The Art Department at Westlands offers a vibrant, dynamic and valuable place in the life of the school; its energetic, creative, personalised approach motivates students.
We strive to provide a positive, caring, supportive, stimulating Art Room where learners are encouraged to use their imagination and creativity to express themselves, develop and reach their creative potential. GCSE Art, craft and design offers an excellent platform for progression into further education as people with creative skills are highly valued in the world of work and there are many potential career opportunities. Art related careers include: creative advertising; media and commercial advertising, comic and story book illustration, freelance editorial illustration, interior design, commercial editor, film director, theatre set/prop design, product design, make-up artist, creative costume design, fashion/textile design, fine artist, commercial/freelance artist/photographer, graphic design, architecture, animation/games designer, sign-writing, teacher/lecturer, web based design and many more.
Learners bring with them a diverse range of previous knowledge, experience, interests and creativity. The beginning of Key Stage 3 is the time to set the scene for further creative development. Scheme of work - Projects are designed to encourage learners to develop as individuals whilst experiencing projects that involve exploring the Formal Element of Art.
For further information, please contact the Art Department teacher Mrs Dlamini -
The SHAPE Curriculum
The Art Department is committed to ensuring that our learners benefit from our whole-academy approach to education using the SHAPE curriculum. By embedding the ethos of this approach, we are able to make sure that our students are aspiring and resilient members of society when they leave us.
Safe - We have created an environment where students feel safe and confident to learn and socially interact. Students feel they belong to our school community where they are cared for, but encouraged to be independent and make positive personal choices around being safe in school, home and their community.
PSHE and British Values are embedded within the Scheme of Work. Promoting learners to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence. Encourage learners to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively, to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.
We encourage respect for other people and an appreciation that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety. Students are taught how to stay safe when using equipment, internet and social media and what to do to safeguard themselves.
Healthy - We create exciting aspirational opportunities for all, within a safe, caring environment. We empower students to become responsible and confident citizens, who enjoy life-long learning, and make a positive contribution to local communities.
We promote participation in, and understanding of healthy lifestyles, positive mental health and wellbeing throughout the art curriculum.
Art, spiritual, moral, social and cultural experiences in classes, assemblies, visits and special events days: all contribute to being healthy.
Attendance - Our students say that they really enjoy art and are ready to learn. Attendance is very good and is celebrated and rewarded. We create exciting learning opportunities for everyone, and encourage all students to be aspirational in their learning and personal development goals. We constantly celebrate personal achievements throughout the school year through on going assessment and reward Westies in weekly assemblies. We share this with families, governors and the community through our termly newsletter. We promote leadership and responsibility in school, led by our School Council.
Students will come to the art room to have therapeutic time out, to calm down and get back on track for other lessons. The Art Room is also used for Draw and Talk – a school initiative to promote Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Progress - The quality of teaching and learning is reflected in the strong progress in art lessons. All students are working on or above the level expected, which can be determined by GL Assessments and Progress Tests. Data reflects a clear understanding of the progress students make and show that teaching and learning and student progress is strong in the art department.
Employable - We prepare our students for independent adult life so they can understand more fully the skills they need to be able to support themselves.
We arrange college, apprenticeship, work placements and visits so that our students are able to experience the world of work. We actively encourage our students to successfully acquire life skills and develop aspirations and attitudes.
Key Stage 3
Year 7
In Year 7, students will study the following themes;
- Food – Pop Art
- Remembrance Day Poppy Installation
- Insects
- Journey
- Formal Elements of Art
Year 8
In Year 8 we build on the Formal Elements of Art developed through the following themes;
- Fantastic and Strange – Surrealism
- Environmental Issues
- Picasso Portrait
- Formal Elements of Art
Year 9
Year 9 consolidates the Key Stage 3 learning in preparation for Key Stage 4 and beyond by introducing AQA GCSE Art, craft and design. Students will study the following themes;
- Power and Conflict
- Nature
- Disguise
- Formal Elements of Art
We offer the AQA Art and Design specification from Year 9 because its flexibility allows learners to explore and gain knowledge of alternative creative working practices whilst developing confidence and practical skills. We hold regular tutorials to help students personally develop their work to enable achievement.
Key stage 4
The KS4 curriculum follows the AQA Art and Design specification - Art, craft and design. This course enables students to produce a Portfolio of work and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of Art. Students learn about the principles of Art, research Artists, crafts and designers and develop their own ideas to produce an informed personal response.
The curriculum is divided into coursework (Unit 1) which is 60% of the grade and the externally set task (Unit 2) which is 40% of the grade. The specification consists of 4 assessment objectives which are used to monitor and assess progress and achievement.
Year 10
Year 10 learners will study the following themes under the AQA Art and Design specification Unit 1:
- In the News
- Perspective
- Weather
Year 11
Year 11 learners Mock Externally Set Task and the Externally Set Task
Year 11 students will receive their mock exam paper in September. This scheme of work encourages learners to actively engage in the process of Unit 2: Externally Set Task paper in order to develop as creative, confident and independent learners. This preparatory period will prepare learners for the 10 hour examination from January; this will contain ‘Externally Set’ themes. Students must individually choose and work through a theme using artist influences to guide their project and will through exploration of mediums arrive at a final outcome which will be produced during a two day (10 hour) examination. This project is worth 40% of their overall grade and will be internally marked by the Art staff and externally moderated by AQA.
Sketchbooks and portfolios form an essential part of the course and display the student’s independent learning journey, experiences and creative development. Personalised guided tuition is a key factor to ensuring student achievement and success as they progress.
We encourage and develop discussion and evaluation of student’s own work and that of others, and share their ideas. Learners develop more independent approaches to a range of starting points in their mock examination project, building on techniques and processes explored earlier in the course. The aim is to ensure students understand the key assessment objectives of the AQA syllabus and create a body of work that begins with the initial concept or starting point, investigation and analysis of artist’s approaches, experimentation with images and ideas and the creation of a final outcome.