
Good school attendance gives your child the opportunity of success and helps develop skills for life.

Your child should attend school every day unless there is an unavoidable cause such as illness. Missing school damages a student’s learning and grades (research shows that missing school often leads to a drop in grades), disrupts routines and can make children vulnerable to crime. Missing school can seriously impair learning and affect life opportunities.

Impact of days missed per year

Attendance during the year Days missed Weeks missed Lessons missed
95% 9.5 2 50
90% 19 4 100
85% 28.5 6 150
80% 39 8 200

Absence and Attendance

Working Together to Improve Attendance 2024

Working Together to Improve School Attendance advises all schools that they should only grant a leave of absence during term time in exceptional circumstances, considering each request on a case-by-case basis. If a leave of absence is granted, it is for the Principal to determine the length of time the pupil can be away from school. Although we recognise the value and benefits of family holidays, it is unlikely a leave of absence will be granted for a family holiday as the Government ‘does not consider a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation to be an exceptional circumstance.’

Requests for leave must be made in advance, otherwise schools will be unable to consider your individual circumstances and the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Principals are not obligated to reconsider authorising leave if an application was not made in advance. In making a request for an authorised absence from school you will need to explain why the circumstances are exceptional. Please note there is no general right to authorise absence for a family holiday and if you take your child out of school without permission the absence will be unauthorised. If you wish to apply for an authorised absence please complete the relevant form that is available from the Academy office or by clicking the link here.

Any requests made for a leave of absence that is to take place after August 19th 2024, will automatically fall under the new framework (see below) – regardless of when the application was made.

You may be asked for medical documents or an appointment card if your child is regularly absent due to illness or dental/medical appointments. Where possible, please support us by making doctor, dentist and medical appointments outside of school hours and ensure your child arrives at school on time. If your child has an ongoing diagnosed illness you are advised to inform the school and keep copies of letters from health professionals and also appointment cards or prescriptions.

If your child is absent from school please telephone (01642) 883030 by 9am each day your child is absent.

From August 19th 2024, a new framework for ensuring regular school attendance and outlining parent’s legal responsibilities comes into effect. At Westlands, our aim is to collaborate with parents to ensure that all our pupils receive the most from their education and reach their full potential. The Government is clear that no child should miss school apart from in exceptional circumstances and schools must take steps to reduce absence to support children’s attainment. This guidance is to remind all parents about the law that requires them to ensure that their child attends school regularly.

Penalty Notices for Unauthorised Absences

The Government have introduced a framework that defines a single national threshold for when a penalty notice must be considered by all schools in England. This threshold is 10 sessions (usually equivalent to 5 school days) of unauthorised absence within a rolling 10 school week period. These sessions do not have to be consecutive and can be made up of a combination of any type of unauthorised absence. The period of 10 school weeks can span different terms or school years.

In line with national guidance, the Local Authority (LA) retains the discretion to issue a penalty notice before the threshold is met. This might apply for example, where parents have taken several term time holidays below the national threshold. The LA also retains the discretion to consider going straight to prosecution where appropriate. 

A maximum of 2 penalty notices per parent, per child can be issued within a rolling 3-year period. This period will start from the issue of the 1st penalty notice. The national framework also sets out the escalation process which applies to such penalty notices. If the national threshold is met for a third time (or subsequent times) within 3 years, another tool should be used. In our LA, where a student’s attendance has met the national threshold for a third time within 3 years and the parent/s have already been issued with 2 penalty notices within that period, consideration will be given to prosecution under section 444 of the Education Act 1996, which can result in a criminal conviction and fine of up to £2,500.

A parent includes any person who is not a natural parent but who has parental responsibility for the child or who has care of the child, as set out in section 576 of the Education Act 1996. Penalty notices will usually be issued to the parent/s with day-to-day responsibility for the child’s attendance or the parent/s who have allowed the absence (regardless of which parent has applied for a leave of absence). 

The first penalty notice issued to a parent for a child will be charged at £160 to be paid within 28 days. This will be reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days. Where it is deemed appropriate to issue a second penalty notice, the second penalty notice to the same parent for the same child within 3 years of the first offence, is charged at a flat rate of £160 and is payable within 28 days. There is no reduced sum available in this instance.   

Part payments or payment plans are not acceptable, and fines must be paid in full within 21 or 28 days, at the rate specified within the penalty notice. There is no right of appeal against a penalty notice.


Arriving at school on time and ready to learn is the best start to the day for our children. Even being 5 minutes late per day can add up to 3.4 school days missed.

5 minutes late per day = 3.4 school days missed a year

10 minutes late per day = 1.4 school weeks missed a year

15 minutes late per day = 2.6 school weeks missed a year

20 minutes late per day = 2.8 school weeks missed a year

30 minutes late per day = 4 school weeks missed a year


There are a number of rewards available to those students who have consistently high attendance figures. These rewards currently include:

  • Entry into the Attendance Draw every two weeks to win "Westies"
  • End of Term Attendance Draw to win prizes that have included sweet hampers, gift vouchers and special "Reward Lessons".
  • Winsday rewards lessons - based on good behaviour and great attendance

There is also a direct link between performance with our in-house points SHAPE points scheme and good attendance (you have to be in to get the points). High points lead to extra rewards such as the Games Room Pass, priority Enrichment lesson choice and End of Term reward trips.


It is the responsibility of every parent and carer to ensure the their student:

  • Arrives at school on time, in uniform and in a condition to learn.
  • Are absent only for reasons that can be authorised

If your child is struggling to attend school, you must:

  • Talk to your child - try to find out why.
  • Meet with a member of Academy staff to discuss the situation and look for solutions.
  • Try to understand what is happening for your child and help them resolve the problem.

Education is key to your child’s future success so it is important to solve issues as quickly as possible. It is very important that you speak with the Academy at the earliest opportunity if you have any worries at all about securing your child’s attendance. Request a meeting with the Parent Support Advisor, Lauren Wells or your child’s Form Tutor.

The Attendance Team at Westlands is made up of the following staff:

  • Adam Harewood – Vice-Principal – School Attendance Champion 
  • Lauren Wells – Parent Support Advisor – Attendance Team 
  • Karen Burke – Senior Administrator – Attendance First Day Response 
  • Donna Blackwell – Administrator/Exams Officer – Attendance First Day Response 
  • Jan Leonard – Vocational Support Mentor – PDC Attendance Lead 
Westlands Academy
Eltham Crescent
Stockton On Tees
TS17 9RA

Tel: (01642) 883030


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

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